A Crash Course in Book Marketing for Self-Publishe...
Posted by PRP Editors | Sep 26, 2023 | Marketing | 0
Use a Press Release to Sell Your Books
Posted by PRP Editors | Jul 12, 2023 | Marketing | 0
Getting Published
Latest10 Common Mistakes Writers Make in Drafting Query Letters
If you want your book to be published, you'll need an agent. The first task in getting an agent is sending out query letters. Read about the 10 ten mistakes writers make.
Word Usage
LatestStay ahead of your peers: Avoid these 6 embarrassing word-usage errors
Just because the usage of a word or phrase is common does not make it right. Is there such a thing as "12:00 p.m.?"
Latest15 Tactics to Improve the Dialog in Your Stories
It’s time to move away from the keyboard and get outside. Be part stenographer, part psychologist, and part sociologist, studying people to craft better dialog.
Inflation’s Troubling Imact on the Value of “Nominal”
by PRP Editors | Jun 6, 2013 | Word Usage, Writer's Lab | 0
Buyers beware! The word “nominal” has lost its meaning. These days, if something is “nominal,” it’s probably priced higher than it should be.
Read MoreGive me that old-fashioned, neglected punctuation
by PRP Editors | Jul 10, 2023 | 0
The subtle aspects of punctuation — like the difference between ellipses points and an em dash — will convey your true meaning to readers.
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How to Create an Amazing and Powerful Ta...

A Crash Course in Book Marketing for Sel...

Use a Press Release to Sell Your Books

10 Common Mistakes Writers Make in Draft...

15 Tactics to Improve the Dialog in Your...

Stay ahead of your peers: Avoid these 6 ...

Give me that old-fashioned, neglected pu...